Mountain Guide

Multi-pitch Climbing

Mountain climbing with an IFMGA guide in Tatras and Alps. Multi-pitch climbing in Arco, Sardinia and other exotic places like Morocco and Jordan.


Skitouring and Freeride

Skitouring in Tatras and Alps with an IFMGA mountain guide, off-piste skiing and Freereide. Haute Route, Silvretta traverse, High Tatras traverse and many others.


My name is Maciek Ostrowski and I am an IFMGA/IVBV/UIAGM Mountain Guide, based in Poland. As a mountain guide, I have the privilege of being able to guide people in almost every alpine environment.

Whether you enjoy climbing, skitouring or off-piste skiing it will be my pleasure to take you in the mountains and provide memories and experiences that will last a lifetime.

Why do I need an IFMGA Mountain Guide ?

Climbing and skiing in the mountains involves exposing to inherent risks and hazards. It is therefore important when considering hiring a mountain guide to be sure that they are appropriately experienced and qualified.

IFMGA Mountain Guides undergo extensive training over a minimum period of three years and are rigorously assessed to ensure that they bring the highest standards of professionalism, safety and client care to their guests.

The IFMGA qualification allows for guiding in almost any mountains around the world, and is a mandatory legal requirement in such European countries as France, Switzerland, Italy and Slovakia. It is the highest qualification for mountan guiding that exists.

Maciej Ostrowski Przewodnik IVBV

Life is a journey, make most of it!

Alpinism, mountain climbing or off-piste skiing?

Get in touch to learn more about different mountain activity possibilities.


Multi-pitch climbing with an IFMGA Mountain Guide in Tatras, Alps and other popular areas.


An ascent of Mont Blanc, Monte Rosa, Matterhorn, Eiger or other iconic alpine 4000ers.

Skitouring and Freeride

Skitouring in Tatras and Alps. High Tatra traverse, Haute Route, off-piste skiing and freeride.


Exotic climbing expeditions to Jordan, Morocco, Patagonia, Peru and other unique locations.

Get in touch

I will be happy to help you in choosing a goal that aligns with your aspirations and mountain experience. If you wish to do a specific route, climb your dream mountain or make a skitouring traverse, I encourage you to contact me to plan your trip, settle dates, and discuss costs.

Feel free to contact me directly by phone or e-mail or using the contact form below.

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Contact details

telephone no.: +48 662 695 976


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